Bulk Group are proud to announce the obtainment of ISO certification in ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management and ISO45001:2018 Work Health and Safety, officially completing our business’ trifecta in ISO certification.
Following our announcement in March this year that we had been successful in achieving ISO9001:2015 – Quality Management System certification, we immediately turned our attention to the obtainment of ISO certification in ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management and ISO45001:2018 Work Health and Safety. Continuously seeking to enhance our business operation and improve outcomes for our team, partners and clients, we were focused on reaching this new milestone of compliance that recognised Bulk Group as dedicated to providing end-to-end supply chain and logistics solutions that inherently value quality, environmental considerations and health and safety.
The process of obtaining certification earlier in the year demonstrated clearly the value of undertaking such an evaluation of our ten-years-young business. The benefits that follow being awarded ISO certification, undoubtedly manifest themselves in terms of safety, sustainability, sales opportunities, improved operational performance, increased revenue and being recognised within our industry as a quality provider by our peers and clients.
During this process the second time around, the notion of risk and risk management kept coming to the fore, and in many ways, formed the core of Bulk’s ISO journey. It allowed us to objectively explore the many facets of intrinsic risk present in each of our business units and cultivate solutions that addressed these. The exploration of some of these risks highlighted considerations such as CO2 emissions, the impact of packaging materials in landfill and the responsible use of natural resources in day-to-day business activities.
Company-wide, each of these risks were formally identified and controls were officially documented to either eliminate or manage the risk to ensure the most-desired outcomes are delivered in line with the ISO framework. In many ways, the documented procedures will ensure should the risk present itself in the future, it is addressed in a way the mitigates the outcome and ultimately allows the business to recover quicker, fortifying Bulk’s resilience. Our dedication to OHS remains at the forefront, as we are committed to providing a strong, safety-first-focused team culture.
We were pleased and encouraged that in many instances, the procedures already in place to eliminate or manage risks were strong. The ISO framework however has provided Bulk Group with a concrete structure and guidance to continue to better capture the scope of risks prevalent in our operations Australia-wide and develop effective solutions that either remove or minimize their outcomes.
We are thrilled to announce that 2022 has seen Bulk Group officially achieve certification in ISO9001:2015 – Quality Management System, ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management and ISO45001:2018 Work Health and Safety.
Whilst this is an outstanding achievement for a relatively young, ever-growing business, this is not the end of Bulk Group’s ISO commitment. In the years to come, we look forward to maintaining our certification, continuing to improve our framework and of course reaping the many benefits these certifications award.